Friday, March 13, 2020

PSAT Score Range Where Do You Rank

PSAT Score Range Where Do You Rank SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Although the PSAT and SAT share many similarities, their score ranges are actually pretty different. Unlike the SAT score range, which has a maximum score of 1600, the PSAT score range only goes up to1520.But why? What are thescore ranges for each PSAT section? Also, canyou use the PSAT scoring scale to predict your SAT score? In this article, we’ll go over the current PSAT scores range and PSAT score distribution.We'll then compare PSAT score ranges with SAT score ranges before concluding with a list of estimated PSAT score cutoffs for the National Merit Scholarship Program. What Is the PSAT Score Range Overall? For Each Section? The total PSAT scoring scale is320-1520 in 10-point increments.Like the SAT, the PSAT has three major sections: Math, Reading, and Writing and Language (hereafter Writing). Each section is first scored on a scale of 8-38 in one-point increments;these areyourPSATtest scores.These test scores are then converted into section scores on scales of 160-760 in 10-point increments(which combine to give you a total PSAT score out of 1520). To get your Math section score, simply multiply your Math test score by20. To get your Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) score, add your Reading and Writing test scorestogether and then multiply the sumby 10. There are also subscores and cross-test scores,which measure your mastery of specific skills and knowledge on each section. Subscores are scored on scales of 1-15 and encompassthe following seven areas: EBRW Command of Evidence Words in Context Expression of Ideas Standard English Conventions Math Heart of Algebra Problem Solving and Data Analysis Passport to Advanced Math Cross-test scores are a little different in that they apply to all PSAT sections and use scoring scales of8-38.The two cross-test scores are as follows: Analysis in History/Social Studies Analysis in Science Finally, you’ll geta Selection Indexwith a score range of 48-228.To calculate this score, multiply the sum of your three PSAT test scores by2. The Selection Index score isused solely to determine your eligibility for National Merit distinction (we’ll explain this in more detail later). Hereis a table showcasing thecurrent PSAT score rangeas well as the score ranges for each PSAT section, subscore, and cross-test score: PSAT Score Range PSAT Section Score Range Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) 160-760 Reading 8-38 Writing and Language 8-38 Command of Evidence 1-15 Words in Context 1-15 Expression of Ideas 1-15 Standard English Conventions 1-15 Math 160-760 Math (Test Score) 8-38 Heart of Algebra 1-15 Problem Solving and Data Analysis 1-15 Passport to Advanced Math 1-15 TOTAL (EBRW + Math) 320-1520 Cross-Test Scores* - Analysis in History/Social Studies 8-38 Analysis in Science 8-38 Selection Index 48-228 Source: PSAT/NMSQT Understanding Scores 2018 *Cross-test scores are for all sections of the PSAT. Before October 2015 (and the introduction of the redesigned SAT in 2016), the PSAT looked quite differentthan it does now. Back then, the PSAT scores range was 60-240,the Critical Reading and Writing scores didnot combine for a total EBRW score, and test takers received neither subscores nor cross-test scores. To help you better visualize these differences, hereis an overview of the old (pre-2015) PSAT scores range: Old (Pre-2015) PSAT Score Range PSAT Section Score Range Critical Reading 20-80 Math 20-80 Writing 20-80 TOTAL (All Sections) 60-240 Source: PSAT/NMSQT Understanding Scores 2015 The old PSAT has made way for the new PSAT to shine. PSAT Score Distribution The PSAT scores scale makes it so that most test takers score around 920 (the halfway point between 320 and 1520). And the data backs this up: the average PSAT scores are934 for 10th graders and 1014 for 11th graders. This pattern in scoring creates a bell curve on which most PSAT takers score around the middle of the PSAT scoring scale and veryfew score at the lowest and highest ends of the scale: Now, let's look at thePSAT score distribution using percentiles. These percentiles will tell us what percentage of test takers you scored higher than on the PSAT. In general, a score in the 75th percentile or higher means you’re doing well, a score in the 50th percentile means you’re about average, and a score in the 25th percentile or lower means you have some room for improvement. Below is a condensedlistof the mostrecent PSAT percentiles for 11th graders.For more info onPSATpercentiles for 10th graders, read our article on good PSAT scores for sophomores. PSAT Percentile EBRW Math TOTAL 99 or 99+ 730-760 750-760 1460-1520 90 650-660* 640 1280 75 590* 570 1150 50 510* 490-500* 1000-1010* 25 430 430* 860-870* 10 370 380 760 1 or 1- 160-300 160-300 320-640 Source: PSAT/NMSQT Understanding Scores 2018 *Estimated score or score range (exact score for designated percentile unavailable). In 2018, approximately 1.6 million juniorstook the PSAT.The data above tells us thatthe top 1% of test takers- about 16,000 juniors- scored between 1460 and 1520.Contrary to what many believe, youdo notneed aperfect PSAT score to get into the99th percentile. In fact, you can miss up to 60 pointsand still getin the top 1%! Likewise, very few test takers scored at the lowest end of the PSAT spectrum:only 16,000 or so juniors scored 640 or lower.In other words, your chance of scoring below 640 is quite rare, as 99% of test takers score above this range. But what about the percentiles for individual sections?As you probably noticed, the score ranges for the 99th percentiles for EBRW and Math are not the same. For EBRW, ascore as low as 730 guarantees you aspot in the99th percentile. For Math, on the other hand, you must score at least 750- a near-perfect score! This discrepancy between thePSAT score ranges for the sections indicates thatMath is slightly more competitive than EBRW is,as more people receive high scores on Math than they do on EBRW. So if you want to get 99th percentile scores on Math and EBRW, you’ll have to work a little bit harder on Math than you will on EBRW. On the opposite end of the percentile scale, EBRW and Math maintain identicalscore ranges: any score below 300 falls in the 1st percentile for both EBRW and Math.Once again, though, very few students actually score in this range, so you’re more likely to get above 300 on both sections. Cupcake distribution: 99% for me, 1% for you. SAT vs PSAT Score Range: Is There a Correlation? We've covered the basics ofPSAT score distribution, so let's address another question: how does the PSAT score range compare with the SAT score range?Although the PSAT and SAT share several striking similarities, their score ranges are more like siblings than they are twins. Here is a side-by-side comparison of the current SAT and PSAT score ranges: Section PSAT Score Range SAT Score Range Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) 160-760 200-800 Reading 8-38 10-40 Writing and Language 8-38 10-40 Command of Evidence 1-15 1-15 Words in Context 1-15 1-15 Expression of Ideas 1-15 1-15 Standard English Conventions 1-15 1-15 Math 160-760 200-800 Math (Test Score) 8-38 - Heart of Algebra 1-15 1-15 Problem Solving and Data Analysis 1-15 1-15 Passport to Advanced Math 1-15 1-15 TOTAL (EBRW + Math) 320-1520 400-1600 Essay* - 2-8 | 2-8 | 2-8 Reading - 2-8 Analysis - 2-8 Writing - 2-8 Cross-Test Scores - - Analysis in History/Social Studies 8-38 10-40 Analysis in Science 8-38 10-40 Selection Index 48-228 - Source: The College Board *There is no Essay section on the PSAT, but there is an optional Essay on the SAT. Note that the Essay score does not factor into your composite SAT score. At a glance, the two tests look as though they mirror each other, but in reality the PSAT and SAT differ in a fewkey ways. According to the table, the maximum PSAT score is 1520 and the maximum SAT score is 1600. But if the two tests are so similar in terms of form and content, why does the PSAT score scale only go up to 1520 and not 1600? Thisdifference in maximum scoresis due to thetwo tests' differences in difficulty.Because the PSAT is a preliminary to the SAT, it has fewer questions and is overall less challenging than the SAT. As a result, the PSAT score rangedoesn't reach as high as the SAT score range does. But wouldn't a 1520 on the PSAT simply correspond to a 1600 on the SAT? Nope! Even though both scores are the two tests' respective maximums, a 1520 on the PSAT is not the same as a 1600 on the SAT; rather, a 1520 on the PSAT is the same as a 1520 on the SAT. This pattern applies not justto the maximum scores but to all possible PSAT scores. For example, a1050 on the PSAT equals a 1050 on the SAT, a 1300 equals a 1300, a 1280 equals a 1280, and so on.In other words, scaled PSAT and SAT scores always signify the same level of ability. The reason for this is thatyour PSAT score ismeant to be a direct indicatorof your SAT score. If I scored 1170 on the PSAT, then- at that exact point in time and without any additional studying- I should also be scoringaround 1170 on the SAT. The PSAT essentially acts as acrystal ball, revealing the level ofyour current (and possibly future) SAT ability. Unfortunately, the PSAT doesn'temit bright, magical lights like a Magic 8 Ball does. (bark/Flickr) What Is the PSAT Score Range for National Merit Scholarships? As I mentioned briefly at the beginning of this article, high PSAT scorers (who are juniors) might qualify asSemifinalists for the National Merit Scholarship Program.This competitionis a big deal in the academic world. Not only does the program look great on college applications, but it also hands outa$2,500scholarship to every winner! Sowhat PSAT scores do you need to qualify? The National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) uses Selection Index scores to determine which students are eligible for scholarship consideration. Each year,the top 3-4% of test takers become Commended Students, and the top 1% proceed as Semifinalists.This works out to around16,000 Semifinalists, of whom 15,000 will move on and become Finalists. (And of that 15,000, about 8,000 will eventually win scholarship money.) But here's the caveat:the Selection Index score you need in order to qualify as a Semifinalist varies by state.Below are theestimated cutoff scoresneededto qualify as a Semifinalist in each state. Beside each Selection Index score is an estimated total PSAT score cutoff. I calculated these estimated PSAT score cutoffs by working backward. First, I divided each state's Selection Index by 2. Then, I divided the quotientby 3 to get (estimated) PSAT test scores for Math, Reading, and Writing. Next, I converted each test score into a section score. Finally, I combined the EBRW and Math section scores to get an approximate PSAT score for each Selection Index cutoff. State Selection Index Cutoff PSAT Score Cutoff Alabama 216 1440 Alaska 215 1440 Arizona 220 1470 Arkansas 214 1430 California 223 1490 Colorado 221 1480 Connecticut 222 1480 Delaware 222 1480 District of Columbia 223 1490 Florida 219 1460 Georgia 220 1470 Hawaii 220 1470 Idaho 214 1430 Illinois 221 1480 Indiana 219 1460 Iowa 216 1440 Kansas 218 1460 Kentucky 218 1460 Louisiana 217 1450 Maine 217 1450 Maryland 223 1490 Massachusetts 223 1490 Michigan 219 1460 Minnesota 220 1470 Mississippi 215 1440 Missouri 217 1450 Montana 214 1430 Nebraska 216 1440 Nevada 218 1460 New Hampshire 219 1460 New Jersey 223 1490 New Mexico 215 1440 New York 221 1480 North Carolina 220 1470 North Dakota 212 1410 Ohio 219 1460 Oklahoma 215 1440 Oregon 221 1480 Pennsylvania 220 1470 Rhode Island 220 1470 South Carolina 216 1440 South Dakota 215 1440 Tennessee 219 1460 Texas 221 1480 Utah 215 1440 Vermont 216 1440 Virginia 222 1480 Washington 222 1480 West Virginia 212 1410 Wisconsin 216 1440 Wyoming 212 1410 AVERAGE 218 1460 As you can see, the PSAT score required to be a Semifinalist can vary significantly bystate. In North Dakota, West Virginia, and Wyoming you can become a Semifinalist with a score of about1410. But in California, Maryland, New Jersey, and Washington, DC, you’ll need a far higher score of around 1490- that’s an 80-point difference! Luckily, in no state do you need a perfect PSAT score to qualify as a Semifinalist.In fact, in all states you can miss at least 30 points and still qualify for National Merit! But what scores should you aim for on each PSAT section? To calculate your individual section goal scores, divide your state’s Selection Index cutoff by 2 and then again by 3.This number will act as your approximate goal score for Reading, Writing, and Math. (Note that it will be a test score out of 38 and not a section score out of 760.) For example, if you lived in New Mexico, your Selection Index cutoff would be 215. Using thisscore, do the math as described above to get your goal (test) score for each section on the PSAT: 215 / 2 = 107.5 107.5 / 3 = 35.83 35.83= 36 (Always round up!) Of courseyou don’t need to aim for the exact same score on each section.If you’re stronger at Reading and Writing than you are at Math, you could instead aim for 38 on both the Reading and Writing sections and 32-33 on the Math section. This combination will still get you a Selection Index score of 215 (just do the math to check it!). Ultimately, if you plan to strivefor National Merit status, it's important to know the cutoff score for your state.Always aim, at a minimum, for your state's cutoff score,though I suggest aiming a little higher if possible. Doing this will give you a solid buffer should thecutoff score for your state go up a little the year you take the PSAT. If you don't meet the PSAT score cutoff, you can't ride the roller coaster to Free Money Land. Takeaways for the PSAT Score Range The PSAT score range is 320-1520 in 10-point increments.This composite range includes two score ranges of 160-760 for EBRW and Math. In terms of test scores, Reading, Writing, and Math are all scored separately on scales of 8-38.You'll also receivesubscores with ranges of 1-15 and cross-test scores with ranges of 8-38. In regard to PSAT score distribution, most test takers score at or around 920,the halfway point between the minimum and maximum scores. As recent percentiles show,Mathis slightly more competitive thanEBRWsince youneed a higher Math score to get into the 99th percentile than you do to get into the same percentile for EBRW. PSAT and SAT scores are analogous, meaning thata scaled score on the PSAT will always equal that same scaled score on the SAT.Therefore, you canuse your PSAT score to get a rough idea of how your SAT performance might look. ThePSAT also assigns each test takera Selection Index score on a scale of 48-228.This is the score used to determine your eligibility for National Merit consideration. Each state maintains a different Selection Index cutoff score,with the lowest being 212 and the highest being 223. To ensure you have thebest shot at winning a scholarship, try to aim for your state's cutoff score- ideally, even higher! What’s Next? Got more questions about the PSAT scoring system? Our guide to PSAT scoring explains how PSAT scores are calculated, and gives you tips onhow you can use thisinfo to your advantage on test day. Confused about what's tested on the PSAT?Get the rundown with our guides to what the PSAT is and what you should know about its structure and question types. Want to know exactly when you'll take the PSAT?Our guide to PSAT test dateswill give you info onwhen the next PSAT will be, where you'll take it, and what you can do to prepare for it. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

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